Adventure A - The Planet Of Death (1982)(Artic Computing)[a]
Loopz (1991)(Audiogenic)
Orion (1983)(Software Projects)
Molar Maul (1983)(Imagine Software)
Captain Kelly (1986)(Quicksilva)
H.A.T.E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter (1989)(Gremlin Graphics)[a]
Beyond The Ice Palace (1988)(Elite Systems)[a3]
Academial Patience (19xx)(-)
Adventure 200 (1982)(C.J. Coombs)
Afghan Attack (1984)(Southern Software)[Part 1-2 of 2]
Rescate Atlantida (1988)(Dinamic)(Sp)[b][a][Part 2 of 2]
Centipede (1982)(DK'Tronics)[a]
Gulpman (1982)(Campbell Systems)[a]
Galactic Attack In Stereo 3D (19xx)(Olaf Hartwig)(De)
Megapede (1983)(Softek)[b]
Hellfire Attack (1989)(Martech Games)[a]
Rapede - The Centipede's Revenge (1983)(Visions Software)
Morris Meets The Bikers (1983)(Automata UK)
Mega Basic v1.0 (1984)(M. Leaman)
Mindstone (1986)(The Edge)
Farmer Horace (1983)(CCS)[a]
Galgje (19xx)(-)(Nl)
French Is Fun (1983)(CDS Microsystems)
Dartz! (1984)(Automata UK)
Star Farce (1988)(Mastertronic)
Diamond (1988)(Destiny Software)
Andromeda Chess (19xx)(Andromeda)
Cowboy Kidz (1989)(Byte Back)
Dragon's Lair II - Escape From Singe's Castle (1987)(Software Projects)[b]
Impact (1988)(Audiogenic Software)