Final Accounts (1984)(Gemini Marketing)
Fire Copy v1.0 (1985)(Juric Zeljko)
Crystal Orb, The (1984)(CRL Group)[a]
Kleuren Kubus (19xx)(Book)(Du)
Hyperbowl (1986)(Mastertronic)[a]
Cavrl Janje (1984)(S. Radivojsa)(UNK-LANG)
Andeskydning (19xx)(-)(Nl)
Masterminde (19xx)(-)
Into The Empire 2 - Oldren (1983)(Penguin Books)
Matematyka (1986)(Janusz Gajewicz)(Po)
Frogger (19xx)(-)(Alt)
Maze Eater (1983)(UTS)[a]
Mutant - The Quest (1984)(Zenobi Software)
Meteoroids (1982)(DK'Tronics)[a]
Long Division (1982)(Rose Software)
General Tape Catalogue Reader (1985)(E. Kuchtin)
Los Angeles Drugs Bust (1990)(Players Premier)
Missile Defence (1983)(Anirog Software)(16k)(Sp)
Money Manager (1984)(Creative Sparks)
Fixsterne (19xx)(Werner Mueller)(De)
Format 42C (1983)(Milan Pavicevic)
Format 64 In Line (1985)(Megasoft)(UNK-LANG)
L' Avventura Di Giacomo (1985)(Foglia Edizioni)(It)[a]
Lerm Minitape 4 (19xx)(Lerm Software)
Orient Gardens (19xx)(-)(It)[a]
Luxik Na Bibrstejne (1987)(AK-Soft)(Cz)
Mago In Caricamento - Merlin (1988)(Specman)(It)
Mampfman (19xx)(-)(De)
More v1.4 (1996)(Dominic Morris)
Interpolacja Newtona (1985)(O. Przesmycki)