Pirates of Dark Water, The (USA, Europe) (May 1994)
Pit-Fighter (World) (July 1991)
Pit-Fighter (World) (October 1991)
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA)
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (Europe)
Pocahontas (USA)
Pocahontas (Europe)
Populous (Japan)
Populous (Europe)
Populous (USA)
Power Athlete (Japan)
Power Drive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Pt)
Power Monger (Japan)
Power Monger (USA)
Powerball (USA)
Predator 2 (USA, Europe)
Premier Manager (Europe)
Premier Manager 97 (Europe)
Primal Rage (USA, Europe)
Prime Time NFL Starring Deion Sanders (USA)
Prince of Persia (USA)
Prince of Persia (Europe) (Beta) (Earlier)
Prince of Persia (Europe) (Beta)
Prince of Persia (Europe)
Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow and the Flame (Europe) (Proto)
Pro Hockey (Japan)
Pro Quarterback (USA)
Pro Yakyuu Super League '91 (Japan)
Probotector (Europe)
Psy-O-Blade (Japan)