Movie Monster Game, The (E)
Moving Target (E)
Mr Heli (E)
Mr. Angry (E)
Mr. Freeze (E)
Mr. Wino (E)
Mrs. Mop (E)
Mugsy's Revenge (E)
Munch Mania (E)
Muncher, The (E)
Murder (E)
Murray Mouse Super-Cop (E)
Mushroom Alley (E)
Mutants (E)
Mystery of the Nile, The (E)
N.E.I.L. Android (E)
N.O.M.A.D. (E)
Navy Moves (E)
Nebulus (E)
Nemesis (E) (Burner)
Nemesis (E) (Freeload)
Nemesis the Warlock (E)
Neoclyps (E)
Neptune's Daughters (E)
Neutral Zone (E)
Neutralizor (E)
New York City (E)
New Zealand Story (E)
Nick Faldo Plays the Open (E)