Universal Military Simulator 2, The - Nations at War (1991)(Intergalactic Development)(Disk 1 of 2)(Program)[cr Hotline]
Universal Military Simulator 2, The - Nations at War (1991)(Intergalactic Development)(Disk 2 of 2)(Map)[cr Hotline]
Mine Sweeper v2.132 (1992-05-10)(Uwe Poliak Software)(PD)[monochrome]
Goin' Down with the Captain (1995)(King, T.A.)(FW)[a]
Robinson's Requiem (1994)(Silmarils)(M3)(Disk 1 of 3)(Disk A)[cr Euroswap][a]
No Name - The Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)
Original, The (demo-playable) (1994-05-13)(Meyer, Gerrit)(en-de)(SW)
It's a Mug's Game (1993-08)(Channel X)(SW)[a]
Lasergraph Pro v2.40 (1991)(Bonnifet, S. - Guimberteau, P.)(Disk 2 of 6)(Disk Fontagraph)[cr ICS]
Trivial Pursuit - A new Beginning (1984)(Domark)(fr)[a]
Superstars Ice Hockey (1988)(Mindscape)[cr MCA][a]
Loader Construction Kit v1.93F (1993-07-05)(Pixel Boys)(fr)[cr Squale][m Mr Nours]
Ripcord (1986)(Duke)(PD)[a]
Manciola (1992)(AAZ)(fr)(SW)
Faaast Print for Signum Files (19xx)(Ingo Sprick)(de)[a]
Mem (2002-02-17)(Creators)(FW)
EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)
Fred the Frisky Flea (1989)(Bjoerk, Frederik)(PD)[a]
Shanghai - Revenge of the Dragon v1.22 (1991)(Nero W.)(ST)(PD)[a]
Pick'n Pile (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Empire][a2]
Geschicklichkeitsflitzer v2.0 (1990)(Austriain Gold)(de)(PD)[monochrome]
ZZZ-UNK-ASSAULT (19xx)(-)[b]
Positive Image 68030 v1.12 (demo) (19xx)(Stephan Found)[Falcon only]
Kensington v1.2 (1995-07)(Lippert, Manfred)(de)(FW)
Turbo Board v2.19 (1992)(Bitblit Systems)
Kubis '96 (1996-07-30)(Reschke, Julian F.)(de)(FW)
Quizzy Quiz (1988)(Motelsoft - Other Saftwer)(de)(PD)
Suspicious Cargo (1992)(Gremlin)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]
Spherical (1989)(Rainbow Arts)[a4]
EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)[Falcon only]