Pinky Street - Kira Kira Music Hour Sinnaneun Daenseubaeteul (K)(CoolPoint)
Tokutenryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu-1 Suugaku (JP)(BAHAMUT)
DS Motte Tabi ni Deyo - Kyoto (JP)(2CH)
My Own Pet Shelter (E)(Independent)
Tokutenryoku Gakushuu DS - Koukou Juken Rika (JP)(BAHAMUT)
Nathan Entrainement CM2 (FR)(EXiMiUS)
Oui-Oui et le Grand Carnaval des Jouets (F)(EXiMiUS)
Maji de Manabu - LEC de Ukaru - DS Hisho Kentei 2-Kyuu - 3-Kyuu (JP)(High Road)
Brico Utile (FR)(EXiMiUS)
Jelly Belly Ballistic Beans (U)(EXiMiUS)
Winnetoons - Die Legende vom Schatz im Silbersee (G)(sUppLeX)
Tim Stockdale's Riding Star (E)(XenoPhobia)
Puppy Luv - Spa and Resort (E)(XenoPhobia)
Foto Frenzy - Spot the Difference (U)
New York Times Crosswords, The (U)(SQUiRE)
Tornado (U)(Venom)
Little League World Series Baseball - Double Play (U)
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town (U)
Enigmes & Objets Caches - Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (F)
My Pet Puppy (E)(EXiMiUS)
Puffins - Island Adventure (US)(M2)(XenoPhobia)
Princess on Ice (U)(XenoPhobia)
Jake Power - Fireman (US)(M3)(XenoPhobia)
Mister Slime (U)(SQUiRE)
Let's Pilates! (U)(SQUiRE)
Sarah - Keeper of the Unicorn (U)
Elite Beat Agents (G)(sUppLeX)
Zhu Zhu Puppies (E)
Make-Up Paradise (K)
Magical ZhuZhu Princess - Carriages & Castles (U)