Retouche v1.0 (1989)(3K Computerbild)(de)
Retrotool v2.1 (1990-06)(Rzeski, Frank)(de)(PD)[Bitz 200]
Return to Genesis (1988)(Firebird)
Revenge of the Mutant Camels (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)(STE)
Revenge of the Mutant Camels (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)[1 Meg]
Revenge of the Mutant Camels (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)(STE)[512k]
Revenge of the Mutant Camels (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)[TT Megamix]
Revenge of the Mutant Camels v1.0 (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)(SW)
Revenge of the Mutant Camels v1.0 (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)(SW)[a]
Reversi Brain v1.3 (1988)(Pressimage)
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[!]
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[a][!]
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr HRFH - Revolution]
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr Medway Boys][t]
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr POL][t]
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a]
Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr TDA][m EMT][t +4]
Rick Dangerous II (1990)(Micro Style)
Rick Dangerous II (1989)(Core Design)[cr Empire][t +2][a]
Rick Dangerous II (1989)(Core Design)[cr Empire][t]
Rick Dangerous II (1989)(Core Design)[cr Replicants]
Rick Dangerous II (1989)(Core Design)[cr Replicants][a]
Rings of Medusa (19xx)(Starbyte)[cr MCA]
Rings of Medusa (19xx)(Starbyte)(de)[cr TDA][m EMT]
Rings of Medusa II - The Return of Medusa (1991)(Starbyte)(de)
Rings of Medusa II - The Return of Medusa (1991)(Starbyte)(de)[cr Elite]
Rings of Medusa II - The Return of Medusa (1991)(Starbyte)(de)[cr Elite][a]
Rings of Medusa II - The Return of Medusa (1991)(Starbyte)(de)[cr EMT]