Railroad Tycoon v755.01 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)[cr Berlin Elite]
Zorg v2.11 (1998-07-19)(Rousseau, Ludovic)(FW)
Ammotrack (1988)(Hewson)[a3]
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origin)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr ICS][m EMT]
Bolo Werkstatt (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[!]
GFL Championship Football (1987)(Activision)[!]
Cyberdrome (1993)(Rhea FX)[cr ICS]
Penta (2005)(Paradize)(FW)
Blueberry (1987)(Infogrames)(de)[cr Exceptions]
Jet v1.0 (1987)(Sublogic)(fr)
Flugsimulator II (1987)(Sublogic)(de)
Spook (1986)(Paradox Software)
Galactic Empire (1990)(Coktel Vision)(de-fr)[cr Empire][a]
Shanghai - Revenge of the Dragon v1.22 (1991)(Nero W.)(ST)(PD)
Hillsfar v1.0 (1989)(SSI)(de)
Dal'X (19xx)(Mediagogo)(fr)[cr Elite][a]
Sleuth (19xx)(Datasoft)
Airline ST v1.0 (1991)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)[a]
Light Corridor, The (1990)(Infogrames)[cr MCA][t]
Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3][a2]
Premium Mah Jongg II (1993)(Schulz, Jens - Grube, Thomas)(SW)
Prophecy I - The Viking Child (1990)(Wired)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][m Blue Soft][t +2]
Trapped II (19xx)(Happy Hippy)[b]
Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr CGC]
Atari Works v1.207 (1993-07-22)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(fr)[h AtariCD][needs GDOS]
Ultimate Virus Killer v6.3 (1994)(Douglas Communications)
Greg Norman Ultimate Golf (1990)(Gremlin)[b]
Coco Coq dans la Base de Grostesteing v1.0.2 (2002)(Gravel, Robin)(fr)
Rockfall II - The Perils of Spud v2.14 (1992)(SOS)(PD)
Landsitz von Morteville, Der (1987)(Kyilkhore)(de)[a]