Strike Force Harrier (1986)(MirrorSoft)(Disk 2 of 2)
Reflection v3.2 (1992)(Hoofd, Bart)(PD)
Pop Up (1990)(Infogrames)[cr Hotline - MCA][t][a]
Taschentuch, Das (1994)(Familie Schubert)(de)(PD)[monochrome]
Space Baller (1987)(International Software Koeln)[a]
Pop! (1993)(Bit Culture)(en-es)(SW)[a]
Sliding Puzzler (19xx)(Sikhder, K. H.)(PD)
Seconds Out (1988)(Tynesoft)
Hearbell v3 (1991-07)(Budgie UK)(PD)
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]
EmuTOS v0.7 (2003-06-02)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(fr)
Shrinking Wall Solitaire, The (1995)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)
Starbox (1995)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)
EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(es)
Pile Up (19xx)(Moll, Russell)(SW)
Mix Machine +, The (19xx)(Dynamite Software)(Disk 3 of 3)
Square Off (1995)(Munsie)(STE)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]
Wall Street Wizard (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)
Luxor (1988)(Software Horizons)
Rainbow Islands (1989)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]
Battleships (1987)(Elite)[!]
North & South (1989)(Infogrames)(M5)[b]
Write (19xx)(Microsoft)[GDOS Installation Disk]
Colonial Conquest (1987)(SSI)[a]
Star Voyage v1.1 (1995)(CSS)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)
Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vectronix][a]
Hacker (1985)(Activision)[a]
GFA Basic v3.6TT (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)[b]
Big Fishing Game (1990)(Simulmondo)(it)[cr Replicants]