Magical Rockman
Mario Bros.: Evil Tetris
Zelda 3 AST Dashing
F-Zero - xLightningWolFx's Tracks
F-Zero - Geliefert
Super Metroid- Vismund's Sidehopper Special
Rockman 5: Haze Stars
Ninja Gaiden SRAM
Spiny Egg Behavior Fix for SMB1 and Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. - JUN Mario
Prince of Persia - Easy Breeze
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom - With Mickey
Octo(rok) City
Wonder Boy in Monster World - Sram / Pad / Enhancement hack
Paladin's Quest EasyType
Gameboy Bros.
Final Fantasy Revolution
Wrecking Two
Iron Tank - Re-Nazified
Xenon 2: Megablast Amiga colors
Super Mario Bros. Bunper
Super Mario Tycoon
Super Mario Bros. - By Kiroton
M Mario
F-Zero - HeavyMetal Rocker1988's Tracks #2 (2015-2016)
Prince of Persia - Miracles Don't Exist
Kamikaze DX Clothed
Shin Megami Tensei debug mode patch
Spider Wars