ESLA League Manager III (19xx)(Solution Software)(en-de)(Disk 1 of 2)
ESLA League Manager III (19xx)(Solution Software)(en-de)(Disk 2 of 2)
Espacial (1990)(Aventuras AD)(es)
Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)[b]
Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)[m EMT][b]
Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[monochrome]
Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)(PD)[monochrome]
Euchre (1990)(The Databasement)(SW)
Eureka v4.04 (1987-02)(Archimedium)
European Champions (1994)(Ocean)[cr Elite]
European Championship 1992 (1992)(Tecmo)(M6)[cr Elite]
European Football Champ (1992)(Domark)[cr ICS]
European Football Champ (1992)(Domark)[cr ICS][a]
European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)
European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)
European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)
European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)
European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)[a]
European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)[cr Empire][m EMT]
Eurosoccer '88 (1988)(Grandslam)
Evader v1.3 (1993-07)(DSA)(PD)
Evasion (1992)(The Ghost)(SW)
Evolution (19xx)(Data Becker)(de)(PD)
Exile (1991)(Audiogenic)[cr Elite][b]
Exile (1991)(Audiogenic)[cr Factory]
Exodrom (19xx)(Kowalski, Martin)(de)(PD)[monochrome]
Exolon (1987)(Hewson)
Exolon (1987)(Hewson)[a]
Exolon (1987)(Hewson)[a2]