Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][b][one disk]
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][a][one disk]
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][a2][one disk]
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][a3][one disk]
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][one disk]
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr ST Chaos][b][one disk]
Gilbert (demo-playable) (1997)(Rogala, Adam)
Gilbert - Escape from Drill (19xx)(Enigma Variations)[cr Medway Boys][a][one disk]
Gilbert - Escape from Drill (19xx)(Enigma Variations)[cr Medway Boys][a2][one disk]
Gilbert - Escape from Drill (19xx)(Enigma Variations)[cr Medway Boys][one disk]
Gilgalad (1986)(Dheus, Markus)(PD)[monochrome]
Gin Rummy (1996)(Deano)(PD)
Glad - Killing Impact (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 2)[uncertain]
Glad - Killing Impact (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 2)[uncertain]
Gladiators (19xx)(Smash 16)
Gladiators (19xx)(Smash 16)[a]
Glaeserne Schwert, Das (19xx)(Schnarr, Stefan)(de)(PD)
Glaeserne Schwert, Das (19xx)(Schnarr, Stefan)(de)(PD)[a]
Glass Buttog of Targ v1.0, The (1993)(Grandadsoft - Caledonia PDL)
Glass Buttog of Targ v1.0, The (1993)(Grandadsoft - Caledonia PDL)(SW)[a]
Gluecksrad (1992)(Gametek)[cr Wondersoft]
Gluecksrad ST (1990)(Pesch, Heinrich)(de)(PD)
Gmines v1.0 (1992)(Setzepfand, Bernd)(PD)
GNCipher - Challenges from the Crypto (1990)(The Good News Software)(SW)
GNU Chess v3.5 (1994-10-26)(Black Knight)(PD)[monochrome]
GNU Chess v4 (19xx)(Black Knight)(PD)[monochrome]
GNU Go v1.1 (1989-01-03)(Free Software Foundation)(PD)[monochrome]
Go Board v4.0 (1990)(Sente Software)(SW)
Go-Moku (1986-09-27)(B.E.ware)(PD)
Go-Up v0.0 (1987)(Wurth, Ruediger)(de)(PD)[monochrome]