Abenteurer - Die Weltraum Odyssee (1989)(ASE)(de)(PD)
Headlong (1992)(Wheaton, Gary)(SW)
Hot Rubber (1991)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates]
Ween - The Prophecy (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Cynix][a]
Trace, The v1.15 (19xx)(Typhoon)(FW)
Kleisterscheibe v2.33 (1992-04-17)(Brod, Klaus)
Just another silly Sports Sim (19xx)(STUG Norway)(en-no)(SW)
Puzzle '97 (1997)(Holtkamp, Juergen)(de-po)(PD)
Letters (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)
Zerphod (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)
Morpion (19xx)(Tiny Toils)
World Rugby (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr Cynix][a]
Sandor (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
Leeds United Champions (1993)(CDS)[cr TRSI][m EMT][b]
Gilbert (demo-playable) (1997)(Rogala, Adam)
Overscan Invaders (1994)(Budgie UK)(LW)[t]
Dangimere - The Awakening (1993)(Integral Systems)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Vmax]
Top Banana (1992)(Hex Media)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][t][a]
Kerovna (1989-06-20)(Groener, Harald)(SW)
Wild Streets (1990)(Titus)[cr MCA]
Magic Stones v1.05 (1996)(Mocklin, Emanuel)(PD)
Paris Dakar 1990 (1990)(Tomahawk)[cr][m EMT]
F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]
Roller Coaster Rumbler (1990)(Tynesoft)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]
Yogis Big Clean Up (1992)(HiTEC Software)[cr ICS][t][a2]
Mastermind (19xx)(Houston, J.K.)
Guess-A-Sketch (1989)(Creative Images)(SW)
Ween - The Prophecy (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][b]
Operation Thunderbolt (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 3)