Nighthunter (1988)(UBI Soft)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]
Cars (1989)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)
Glass Buttog of Targ v1.0, The (1993)(Grandadsoft - Caledonia PDL)
ST Sorry v4.0 (1993-02-01)(Bonnette, Paul)(SW)
Puzword (19xx)(Ibbitson, Dave)(PD)
Puzzler (1990)(Allison, Warwick W.)(SW)[monochrom]
Flugsimulator II (1987)(Sublogic)(de)[a]
International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS]
Robot Repairs Inc. (19xx)(Outland Quest)(SW)[a]
Invasion (1988)(Henderson, Robert)
Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)
Match-up! v1.1 (1996-12)(Hawes, Robin)(SW)
Roll 'n Nudge (19xx)(-)(PD)
Legend des Dynastie, La (1991)(Salia)(fr)[cr Elite]
Gogo ST v5.0 (1992)(Cawthon, Mark)(SW)
Cyberdrome (demo) (1993)(Rhea FX)
Pentominoes (1988)(Frank E. Driver - Geoff Wills)(PD)
Hysula (1992)(Keysoft)(SW)
Think 2 (1991)(Motelsoft)(PD)
Projekt Terra (1991)(Softwave)(de)(Disk 1 of 3)
Push 'n' Shove (1992)(Digi Tallis)(PD)
Football Champ (19xx)(Simulmondo)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]
Mines (19xx)(van der Steen, Jan)[monochrome]
Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]
Emperor v1.03 (1994-11-30)(Joe Soft)(SW)[monochrome]
Ultimate 'tris Game, The (1996)(Alpha Visions)
Pentacle (1990)(Pressimage)(fr)
Peter Beardsley's International Football (1988)(Grandslam)
Slalom Event (19xx)(Gunther, John E)(PD)
Xiphos (1990)(Electronic Zoo)(M3)