X-Men (Europe) for Megadrive
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (Rev A) for Megadrive
Super Monaco GP (USA) (En,Ja) (v1.3) for Megadrive
Ghouls 'n Ghosts (USA, Europe) (Rev A) for Megadrive
Joe & Mac (USA) for Megadrive
Sonic 3D Blast (USA) (Beta) for Megadrive
Worms (Europe) for Megadrive
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (USA) (En,Ja) for Megadrive
Flink (Europe) for Megadrive
Art of Fighting (USA) for Megadrive
T2 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe) for Megadrive
OutRunners (USA) for Megadrive
Judge Dredd (World) for Megadrive
Super Smash TV (USA, Europe) for Megadrive
DecapAttack (USA, Europe) for Megadrive
Rolling Thunder 3 (USA) for Megadrive
Mazin Saga Mutant Fighter (USA) for Megadrive
NBA Live 98 (USA) for Megadrive
SubTerrania (USA) for Megadrive
Musha Aleste - Full Metal Fighter Ellinor (Japan) for Megadrive
FIFA International Soccer (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) for Megadrive
BattleTech - A Game of Armored Combat (USA) for Megadrive
Theme Park (USA, Europe) for Megadrive
Batman (Europe) for Megadrive
Midnight Resistance (USA) for Megadrive
Madden NFL 98 (USA) for Megadrive
Fatal Labyrinth (USA, Europe) for Megadrive
Arrow Flash (USA, Europe) for Megadrive
Arcus Odyssey (USA) for Megadrive
Master of Monsters (USA) for Megadrive