Elite (1986)(Firebird)[a]
Knight Tyme (1986)(Mastertronic)(128k)
Italian Supercar (1990)(Codemasters)
Xenophobe (1989)(Micro Style)
Games - Winter Edition, The (1988)(US Gold)
Archon (1983)(Ariolasoft UK)
Soldier Of Light (1988)(ACE Software)
Colosseum (1988)(Topo Soft)(Sp)
Tales Of The Arabian Nights (1985)(Interceptor Micros Software)
Chicago 30 (1988)(Topo Soft)(Sp)
Falcon Patrol II (1985)(Virgin Games)
Myth - History In The Making (1989)(System 3 Software)[a]
Ice-Breaker (1990)(Topo Soft - Realtime Games)(Sp)
Demon Slayer (1991)(Psychedelic Hedgehog)
Demolition (1994)(Jonathan Cauldwell)
Road Toad (1983)(Elfin Software)
Pentagon (19xx)(T. Korber)(De)
Atic Atac (1983)(Ultimate)[a]
Match Day 2 (1987)(Ocean Software)[a]
Wulfan The Barbarian (1987)(Mastertronic)
Dictator (1983)(DK'Tronics)
Quack Shot (1984)(Creative Sparks)
Football Manager (1982)(Addictive Games)(Sp)
3D Lunattack (1984)(Hewson Consultants)
Game Over - World 2 (1987)(Dinamic)(Sp)
Billy The Kid - Lightgun (1989)(Mastertronic)
Chernobil (1990)(Startgame Soft)
Armageddon (1983)(Ocean Software)
A.T.R.A.M. (1984)(Websters Software)
Football Director - 2 Player Super League (1986)(D & H Games)