Swamp Thing (USA)
Kabuki - Quantum Fighter (USA)
Zippy Race (Japan)
Mario's Adventure (SMB1 Hack)
Probotector II - Return of the Evil Forces (Europe)
Shadow of the Ninja (USA)
Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (USA) [Hack by Jedi QuestMaster v1.0] (Difficulty Fix)
Track & Field II (USA)
SD Gundam Gaiden - Knight Gundam Monogatari (Japan)
Ganbare Goemon 2 (Japan) [En by Stardust Crusaders v1.0]
58-in-1 [p1]
Vice - Project Doom (USA)
Baseball Stars (USA)
Digital Devil Story - Megami Tensei (Japan)
Werewolf - The Last Warrior (USA)
Clu Clu Land (World)
Ms. Pac-Man (USA) (Unl)
Cross Fire (USA) (Proto)
Mighty Final Fight (Japan)
Fantasy Zone (USA) (Unl)
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (USA)
Mortal Kombat 3 - Special 56 Peoples
Digger T. Rock - The Legend of the Lost City (USA)
Duck Tales (Europe)
Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)
Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone (Japan)
Krusty's Fun House (USA)
1944 (1943 Hack) [p3]
Super Mario Bros (JU) (PRG 1) [p1]
Project Super Mario Bros (SMB1 Hack)