Street Fighter Alpha (Publicity CPS Changer 950727)
Final Fight (US 900613)
Three Wonders (World 910520)
Carrier Air Wing (World 901012)
Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)
Pnickies (Japan 940608)
Forgotten Worlds (US)
Dai Makaimura (Japan)
Final Fight (Japan 900112)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow set 1)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M5)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (US 920803)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow set 2)
Three Wonders (Hack?)
The King of Dragons (Japan 910805)
Willow (Japan, Japanese)
Final Fight (Japan 900305)
Quiz & Dragons (US 920701)
Final Fight (Japan)
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 911101)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bootleg with PIC16c57, Set 2)
Knights of the Round (US 911127)
Forgotten Worlds (World?)
Street Fighter II!: Champion Edition (V004)
Final Fight (US 900112)
Ghouls'n Ghosts (US)
Carrier Air Wing (World 901009)
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (US 900725)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (non-MAME, Turyu)
Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (US 921209)