Hero Quest II - Return of the Witchlord (E) (M2)
Herobotix (E)
Heroes of Karn, The (E)
Hexenkueche II - Der Kuerbis Schlaegt Zurueck (G)
Hexpert (E)
Hideous! (E)
High Frontier (E)
High Noon (E)
Highlander (E)
Hobbit, The (E)
Hobgoblin (E)
Hollywood or Bust (E)
Hollywood Poker (E)
Holy Grail (E)
Hong Kong Phooey (E)
Hoodoo Voodoo (E)
Hook (E)
Hopper Copper (E)
Hoppin' Mad (E)
Horace Goes Skiing (E)
Hostages (E)
Hot Shot (E)
Hover Bovver (E)
How to Be a Complete Bastard (E)
Howard the Duck - Adventure on Volcano Island (E)
Hudson Hawk (E)
Human Killing Machine (E)
Human Race, The (E)
Hummdinger (E)
Humphrey (E)