Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[a]
Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Cynix]
Black Sect (1993)(Lankhor)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Supremacy][a][disk 3 is Vectronix 349]
Ninja Warriors, The (19xx)(Sales Curve)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]
Kampf um die Krone (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)
Operation- Cleanstreets (1988)(Broderbund)(Disk 1 of 2)
Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)[cr Papy Boom][t +4]
Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Brownlow, Martin)(PD)[a]
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr MCA]
Enemy War (19xx)(-)[Falcon only]
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origin)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr ICS][m EMT]
Pharaoh (1989)(Chip)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)
Mission Deadzone (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)
Spy II v1.2 (1987)(Arcadian)(fr)
Campaign (1993)(Empire)(fr)[cr Crackin'Machine - Replicants]
Manix (1990)(Millennium)(M3)[cr Empire]
Meurtres en Serie (1988)(Cobra Soft)(fr)
Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite]
Atari Works v1.207 (1993-07-22)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(fr)[needs GDOS]
Spook (1986)(Paradox Software)
Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]
Basket Manager (19xx)(Simulmondo)[cr MCA][a2]
Lords of Doom (1991)(Starbyte)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]
Napoleon I - The Campaigns 1805-1814 (1991)(Storm Computers)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Atarilegend]
Pc Globe v3.0 (1990)(Nathan)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)
Battle Hawks 1942 (1988)(LucasFilm Games)[Password TMC]
Neodesk v3.02 (19xx)(Gribnif)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[unregistered]
High Steel (1989)(7 Screen)[cr Flame of Finland][t]
Sleuth (19xx)(Datasoft)
Dynamo (19xx)(Codemasters)[cr ICS][a]