FF2US Weapon Restoration
Ultimate Czar dragon boss fight (final version)
Auto Card and Auto Truth Gas
Metroid II: Return of Samus VirtualBoy
Boulder Dash - Albinarla Mod
Faster Weapon Grinding
Keep Banana Coins
FF2us 8×16 Dialogue Font Patch
Tetris - Modern Blocks
Arcana - Multi Level-up
Custom Tools
Master of Monsters Fix
Grandoplex Shooter
Mega Man 5 - Ridley X Hack 5 Proto Man's Revenge Normal
Rush Coil Bugfix
Mario Bros. - NROM to MMC3
Heracles no Eikou IV - text speed
Adding Spells to Spell Lists Patch
Rygar MMC3 Patch
Donkey Kong - UNROM to MMC3
Fast Gunman
Banon Riding
Traverse USA - Race of Post-Apocalypse
Virtual Console Safety Feature
Musashi no Ken 2 Supreme Fight