Strike Force Cobra (1986)(Macmillan)
Red Baron (1983)(M.C. Lothlorien)
Starship Enterprise (1983)(Silversoft)
E-Motion (1990)(US Gold)(128k)
Out Of The Shadows (1984)(Mizar Computing)
Australian Games (1990)(US Gold)
Super Cobra (19xx)(Robert Spahl)(De)
Indiana Jones 2 (1987)(Fuxoft)(Cz)
Krypton Factor, The (1987)(Domark)
Freescape 3D Compiler (19xx)(Freescape)
Bor-Fies - Bug-Eyes (1985)(Soft Well)(Sp)
Rock 'n' Roll (1989)(Rainbow Arts)
Cobra's Arc (1986)(Dinamic)(Sp)
Moon Buggy (1983)(Anirog Software)
Ice Temple, The (1986)(Bubble Bus Software)
Gunrunner (1987)(Hewson Consultants)
Adventure Number 01 - Adventureland (1985)(Adventure International)
Cerius II - Interalia (1988)(Atlantis Software)
Beaky And The Egg Snatchers (1984)(Fantasy Software)
Banger Racer (1990)(Cult)
Fire & Forget (1988)(Titus)
Adventure Number 13 - Sorcerer Of Claymorgue Castle (1985)(Adventure International)
Base Invaders (1983)(Work Force)
Angler (1983)(Virgin Games)
22 Liubownyje Pozicii (1989)(-)(Ru)
3-D Graph (19xx)(-)
Adventure F - The Eye Of Bain (1984)(Artic Computing)
Hoppin' Mad (1988)(Elite Systems)
Alpine Games (1987)(Atlantis Software)
Cerius (1988)(Atlantis Software)