A Spell Of Christmas Ice (19xx)(Star Dreams)
Macadam Bumper (1985)(PSS)
Action Farce II - Special Crash Edition (1989)(Crash)
Chicago 30 (1988)(Topo Soft)(Sp)
Madballs (1988)(Ocean Software)
Myth - History In The Making (1989)(System 3 Software)[a]
20 Tons (1985)(Argus Press Software)
Batman - The Caped Crusader - A Fete Worse Than Death (1988)(Ocean Software)
American Football Head Coach (1986)(Addictive Games)
Brainache (1987)(Codemasters)
Racing Manager (1983)(Virgin Games)
Thor (1988)(Proein Soft Line)(Sp)
Killed Until Dead (1987)(US Gold)
Contact Sam Cruise (1986)(Microsphere)
Monopoly (1985)(Leisure Genius)
Krakout II (1988)(Gremlin Graphics)[t]
Questprobe 1 - The Hulk (1984)(Adventure International)
Leaderboard (1986)(US Gold)
Joe Blade 4 (1991)(Players Premier)
Billy The Kid - Lightgun (1989)(Mastertronic)
Adventure D - Espionage Island (1982)(Artic Computing)
Escape From Colditz (1982)(Martin Malley)
Ali Baba (1985)(Suzy Soft)(Cr)
Cavern Fighter (1983)(Bug-Byte Software)
Chain Reaction (1987)(Durell)(128k)
Space Harrier II (1990)(Grandslam Entertainment)[a]
Adidas Championship Tie Break (1990)(Ocean Software)
3D Bat Attack (1984)(Cheetahsoft)
Speed King II (1987)(Mastertronic)
Astroball (1992)(Digital Reality)