Gangsters (1983)(CCS)
Corridors Of Genon (1983)(New Generation Software)
Gunfighter (1988)(Atlantis Software)[a]
Jet-Story (1988)(Cybexlab Software)
British Lowland (1983)(CCS)
Invertor (1992)(The Smart Software)
Lerm Tape Copier v7 (19xx)(Lerm Software)
Confusion (1983)(Blaby Computer Games)
Livingstone II (1990)(Opera Soft - Alligata Software)[Part 2 of 2][Protected]
Loony Lander (1984)(Software Super Savers)
Faust's Folly (1983)(Abbex Electronics)
Madchentest (19xx)(-)(De)
Four Minutes To Midnight (1987)(8th Day Soft)[Text]
Podmorska Bitka (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
Four Symbols, The (19xx)(FSF Adventures)(128k)[Part 1 of 2]
Pontoon (1983)(Peter Beckett)
Francais Verbes (1989)(Softhouse)(Cz)
Mucroid Run (19xx)(-)
Guardian (1983)(PSS)(UNK-LANG)
Levitation (1985)(Michael Beresford)
Gatecrasher (1984)(Quicksilva)[a2]
Long Way Home Chapter Two - The Ludoids (1984)(16-48 Tape Magazine)
Lo Zio Tom (19xx)(Lamano Lesta & Duran Duran)(It)
Fifth (demo) (1983)(CRL Group)[a]
Key, The vM (1983)(Keysoft)[b]
Kopier Programm (1984)(E. Wendeking)
Kosci Rzucone (19xx)(-)(Pl)
Mr. Copy v1 (1983)(Ing. P. Kreybig)
Master File v04 (1982)(Campbell Systems)
Frightmare (1988)(Cascade Games)[t]