Captain America and the Avengers (USA)
Adventure Island Classic (E)
Duck Tales 2 (USA)
Rampage (USA)
River City Ransom (USA)
Excitebike (Japan, USA)
Captain Tsubasa Vol. II - Super Striker (Japan) [En by Hayabusakun v1.0]
Hyper Olympic (Japan)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
R.C. Pro-Am (USA)
Contra Force (USA)
Legend of Kage, The (USA)
Ninja Gaiden Episode II - The Dark Sword of Chaos (USA)
Galaxian (Japan)
Marvel's X-Men
Dig Dug (Japan)
Super Bros 10 Kung Fu Mari
Super Mario Bros Revisited V4.3 (SMB1 Hack)
Gradius (USA)
Rygar (USA)
Mappy (Japan)
Rush'n Attack (USA)
Tecmo Super Bowl (USA)
Power Rangers 2
Donkey Kong Jr. (JU) [p1]
Kid Icarus - Angel Land Story (USA, Europe)
Batman - Return of the Joker (USA)
Baseball (USA, Europe)
Super Aladdin
Nintendo World Cup (REV 3)