Operation Wolf (World, set 2)
Violent Storm (ver AAC)
Run and Gun 2 (ver UAA)
Altered Beast (Mega-Tech)
Pink Pussy (Mdm) (MPU5)
Hippodrome (US)
Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902)
Superman (World)
The Typing of the Dead (Rev A)
Ace Driver: Victory Lap (Rev. ADV2)
Hyper Pacman
Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS2, Japan 950922)
Virtua Striker (Revision A)
Tron (8/9)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904)
Final Fight (USA 900112)
Skull & Crossbones (rev 5)
Daytona USA (Japan, To The MAXX)
The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players)
Lunar Lander (rev 2)
Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02)
Mega Play BIOS
Puzzle Bobble 3 (Ver 2.1O 1996/09/27)
Battle Zone (rev 2)
1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
Night Slashers (Korea Rev 1.3, DE-0397-0 PCB)
Target Ball (Nude)
B.Rap Boys Special (Japan)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 2)