Kat Trap - Planet of the Cat-Men (E)
Treasure Hunt (E)
Southern Belle (E)
Rugby - The World Cup (E)
Spooks (E)
Red Max (E)
Outback (E)
Trooper Truck (E)
Grand Larceny (E)
Space Walk (E)
International 5 A-Side (E)
Bug Blitz (E)
John Elway's Quarterback (E)
Land of Neverwhere (E)
Pro Tennis Simulator (E)
Electrix (E)
Meganova - The Weapon (E)
Geoff Capes Strongman Challenge (E) (Novaload)
Mushroom Alley (E)
Paddington and the Disappearing Ink (E)
Dicky (E)
Ronald Rubberduck (E)
Vultures (E)
Super Gran (E)
I. C. U. P. S. (E)
Snoball in Hell (E)
Pile-Up! (E)
Street Sports Basketball (E)
Bobby Bearing (E)
Super Snake Simulator (E)