Bug Eyes 2 - Starman to the Rescue (19xx)(Audiogenic)[BUGII start] [SSD]
Franklin's Tomb (19xx)(Salamander)[FTOMB start] [SSD]
Tomahawk v2 (1985)(R. Sears)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Free Fall (1983)(Acornsoft)[a][FREEFAL start] [SSD]
Moon Buggy (1985)(Kansas City Systems)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Danger UXB (1983)(Peter Averill)[bootfile] [SSD]
Stolen Lamp (1983)(M.C. Lothlorian)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Tower of Alos (19xx)(D. Howard)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Liberator (1983)(Gemini Games)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Wizzy's Mansion (1985)(Audiogenic)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Wonder Worm (1983)(Thor)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Paranoid Pete (19xx)(Ubik)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Camelot (1989)(Superior)[bootfile-BBC&Electron] [SSD]
Day and Night (19xx)(MRM)[NIGHT start] [SSD]
Woodland Terror (1984)(MP)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Combat Lynx (19xx)(Durell)[a][LYNX start] [SSD]
Jetset Willy (19xx)(Tynesoft)[h TSTH][t][bootfile-invulnerability] [SSD]
Casino - Roulette (19xx)(IJK)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Studio 8 (1986)(Beebug)[bootfile] [SSD]
Future Shock (1986)(Tynesoft)[h M. Tomlinson][LOADER start] [SSD]
Jetset Willy II (19xx)(Tynesoft)[h TSTH][t][bootfile-invulnerability] [SSD]
SAS Commander (1984)(Comsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Quest for the Holy Grail, The - Epic Adventure 2 v2 (19xx)(Epic)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Subway Vigilante (1989)(Players)[h TSTH][t][bootfile-Master] [SSD]
Suds (19xx)(Riverdale)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]
Machinery is Missing, The (1988)(M. Blamires)[bootfile] [SSD]
Arcade Soccer! (1989)(Fourth Dimension)[a2][bootfile] [SSD]
DFS Picture Disc 1 (19xx)(8-Bit)[bootfile-TBI-116-1] [SSD]
Racer (1982)(Beebug)[RACER start] [SSD]
Scrabble (1984)(Leisure Genius)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]